Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
Ca(2+) /calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II equally induces sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) leak in human ischaemic and dilated cardiomyopathyFischer TH, Eiringhaus J, (...), European Journal of Heart Failure2014
Herzinsuffizienz: "From Bench to Bedside" - Neues im Bereich der IonenhomöostaseFörster A, Maier LS,Journal für Kardiologie2014
Transgenic Mice for Real-Time Visualization of cGMP in Intact Adult CardiomyocytesGötz KR, Sprenger JU, (...), Circulation Research2014
Reactive oxygen species and excitation-contraction coupling in the context of cardiac pathologyKöhler AC, Sag CM, Maier LSJournal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology2014
Human myocytes are protected from titin aggregation-induced stiffening by small heat shock proteins(Open Access) Kötter S, Unger A, (...), Journal of Cell Biology2014
Cardiac CaM Kinase II Genes δ and γ Contribute to Adverse Remodeling but Redundantly Inhibit Calcineurin-Induced Myocardial HypertrophyKreusser MM, Lehmann LH, (...), Circulation2014
Gigantic business: titin properties and function through thick and thinLinke WA, Hamdani NCirculation Research2014
Experimental antiarrhythmic targets: CaMKII inhibition - ready for clinical evaluation?Maier LS,Current Medicinal Chemistry2014
CaMKII regulation of cardiac K channels(Open Access) Mustroph J, Maier LS, Wagner S,Frontiers in Pharmacology2014
Paradoxical Effects on Force Generation after Efficient β1-Adrenoceptor Knockdown in Reconstituted Heart TissueNeuber C, Müller OJ, (...), El-Armouche AJournal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics2014